
Hello, my name is Dionne and I have been crafting for a very long time. As a very young child my mother tried to teach me to knit, it was a disaster. However, it must have sparked an interest in making things and, partly to prove that I was not totally useless and partly because I really wanted to make things, I taught myself to crochet. Over the years I have developed a love of cross stitch and all types of paper craft ..... I eventually even taught myself to knit.

I am married to a very understanding man, thank goodness, because I spend all my time either crafting, thinking about crafting or talking about crafting. I am hopeless at housework and dinner is often late!

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Monday 10 July 2023

Six Draws Up

We are having some work done on the house, the last two days have been exhausting, moving everything out of the bathroom and kitchen .... and we are still not done.  With the workmen due to arrive any minute I am going to keep this post very short.

I have some more knitted dolls cloths to share with you today.  My sister has the habit of picking up dolls and checking that they are wearing underwear, so pants are an essential item when it comes to decking out a dolling in a new outfit.

These are made in the same 3 play I have been using for all of the dolls cloths.

I hope you have a good week.



  1. Oh Dionne your post made me laugh and must admit wondered what to expect when I read the title lol.Love the little pants and good luck with all the work disruption
    Carol x

    1. Hi Carol

      After doing this for a dozen or so years I sometimes struggle to come up with an attention grabbing post title; I hope this one appealed to your sense of humour? I got the idea from an old holiday camp Kids Fancy Dress contestant. The young girl carried an umbrella with the
      fabric removed and 8 pairs of girls pants hanging from the spokes and a carry card saying '8 Draws Up', this really tickled my mum and it has stuck in my head ever since!

      The builders are supposed to be here for the next three weeks, I am that exhausted, I could sleep through the whole three weeks!

      Dionne xx

  2. A great story about your sister! I feel your pain regarding the builders. The upheaval, the intrusion and everything else. Hope it's all over soon. Xxx

    1. Honestly, I do not think my sister realise that she is doing it half of the time. She picks up a doll and turns them round and lifts up their dress. It is automatic!

      Dionne xxx


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