
Hello, my name is Dionne and I have been crafting for a very long time. As a very young child my mother tried to teach me to knit, it was a disaster. However, it must have sparked an interest in making things and, partly to prove that I was not totally useless and partly because I really wanted to make things, I taught myself to crochet. Over the years I have developed a love of cross stitch and all types of paper craft ..... I eventually even taught myself to knit.

I am married to a very understanding man, thank goodness, because I spend all my time either crafting, thinking about crafting or talking about crafting. I am hopeless at housework and dinner is often late!

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Friday 14 July 2023

Baby Doll's Vest Set

The weekend is almost here and, apart from the constant showers we have had this week, it seems summer is here!

I am starting my weekend with this pretty vest set - although I would not associate a beanie hat with a vest set but there it was in the pattern, so I made one!

I made this set with 3 ply yarn; making the measurements slightly smaller than those laid out in the pattern but I am sure my niece will have a doll it will fit.  Talking of which, the pattern is Dollibabies Knitting pattern 013.

The vest pattern initially looked a little complicated but, as I followed the instructions, it soon became clear and very easy to make.

It seems we live in a world where every baby wears hats and has hats to match every element of their outfit.

As well as matching socks!



  1. AW! What a beautiful and a gorgeous pattern set. They are adorable. We saw a baby about a year old? Being pushed in a pushchair, in the high wind and thrashing rain, with no cover on her and no socks or hat! No excuse for Mother, as it had been raining for hours and has been for a few days. Temperature down to 16C at that time. Poor baby.

    1. Thank you Faith. I know we grew up in different times but I am stunned at young mothers sometimes, no common sense.

      Have a good weekend.

      Dionne x

  2. Awww such a gorgeous little set and a beautiful pattern-could be a little beach outfit with the hat to keep off the sun -it;s gorgeous -just rad Faiths comment and I have seen that a baby with no hat and covers but the parent wrapped well up against the wind. The image that tops that though was a few months ago whilst waiting for a bus in the but station (well where else really lol) a young mother had a baby in the pram looked no more than about 6 months old -she was drinking one of these take away coffees and kept dipping the babies dummy in it saying do you like that???????? No wonder so many children grow up with so many problems-they really have no idea!
    Carol x

    1. Hi Carol

      We are in danger of turning into my mother and her friends - disposable nappies, what next? (actually, it turns out they had a point, not very environmental and sooo expensive). I was once in a food committee meeting and one of the professors sitting around the table said that she could not believe that any mother would give a child diet squash, were had she been? But her point was that no one knew the effects artificial sweeteners might have on children. We do, however, know the dangers of weaning too early and the affects of caffeine.

      Not sure what this has to do with crafting but you did start it ladies.

      Dionne xx

    2. Definitely in danger of turning into our mothers lol. I remember when I came home with Helen after one day because the laundry were on strike-a nurse came home with us and dressed Helen in a babygro and said it was the first one she had ever seen,no disposable nappies then! We have to let off steam and have a rant now and again lol
      Carol x

    3. Times have really changed in our lifetime. I would not be surprizes to learn that our generation has had to adapt to more change than any previous one, especially in terms of technology. I remember buying our first automatic washing machine. it fascinated me. I ended up sitting on the floor in front of it watching it going through its first wash. I had never seen the likes of it before. About the same time microwaves hit the high street, something else I could not stop watching.

      Dionne xx

    4. When we had a twin tub you had Monday as a washday and everything got washed in the same water starting with whites down to darks! Then when my SIL got one and it was one load for each I thought omg going to be washing all day -quite changed the way you washed-thankfully!
      Carol x

    5. I has much the same thoughts when we switched from a twin tub and I felt very add leaving the new washing machine working whilst I went out!



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